The Fear. The Dread. The Horror!
The existential crisis is REAL when you put your project out there into the digital universe. Let's talk about it.
After months of promotion, planning, and ‘content creation’, today was the day that I AM QIDO, the newest project in the INSYMMETRY CREATIONS stable of titles, was launched into the digital sphere via Kickstarter. You can Follow and Back here.
As content creators, there’s no more dizzying time that that first moment when you put yourself out there, be it through crowdfunding, at a live event, or through other release means. Will it be an immediate success? Will it get met with the resounding ‘tink’ of a pin dropping on the floor of an unoccupied room? For most, we hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Reality often falls somewhere in between.
Anyone who’s launched a crowdfunding campaign will echo the same sentiment - the time between clicking the launch button and waiting for that FIRST pledge to happen feels neverending. Did we screw up?! Why is no one backing?! Why does everyone hate us so much?! AHHHHH! The Fear, the dread, the Horror!!! Oh okay cool. There we go. There’s a backer. Yay. Okay cool!
Give it a few seconds for that surge of glee to wear off and then its that same repeating cycle, over and over again, all the way until the end of the campaign.
One of the WORST things that can happen is realizing that an ACTUAL mistake was made on the campaign page. As soon as we launched, we had a few prospective backers reach out and tell us that the very first tier on the campaign was in err. Somehow our DIGITAL tier had PHYSICAL shipping. We had to quickly amend the tier and alert those who were trying to utilize it (and that may be some of you) that the oversight was indeed addressed.
As of this message, we are just under the HALFWAY POINT to minimum funding. What does THAT mean? The listed GOAL is $4000 but that’s just to get to the point where the FUN starts. Once we get there we’ll start adding stretch goals and unlocked items to keep the fun going the whole campaign long.
Lastly, when it comes to being recognized, it’s always nice to see that little tag in the bottom left corner. You see it? That means KICKSTARTER themselves has recognized US as a PROJECT THEY LOVE. We’re always humbled and honored by that distinction. A big thanks to Oriana and Bryce at KS for that!
If you’re curious about JOINING THE EMPIRE with us, but have some questions, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1) When you BACK, your card is NOT charged until the END of the campaign. So a pledge TODAY will get charged at the same time as someone who backs near the end.
2) So what are the benefits of backing as early as possible, then? The earlier you’re in, the more SWAG gets added to your bag. The first 50 physical backers get a sticker PLUS, while supplies last, we have an additional bonus in-stock collectible for you as well. We’ll tell you want it is on our livestream today!
There’s also more SWAG that can come from post campaign incentive drawings. The earlier you back, the more chances there are for you to get something COOL added to your stash after the campaign ends!
You also help to propel the project so we can plan on those additional items that will reveal themselves once we cross that minimum funding checkpoint. So backing early helps you (and us) in MANY ways!
3) Speaking of that LIVESTREAM - at 7PM EST / 4PM PST Steph and Matt will be LIVE on facebook talking I AM QIDO and many other topics. We hope you’ll join us!
4) Over the last few days we put out a series of articles to help explain why you should be EXCITED about the campaign, why our existing fans should REJOICE over the STORY, and why it should APPEAL to you: the savvy consumer.
WHY WE’RE EXCITED FOR I AM QIDO (and you should be too!)
That’s all for now! We thank you all for every bit of support, friendship, and fandom, and if you aren’t a part already, we hope to see YOU JOIN THE EMPIRE HERE and become a supporter of I AM QIDO!
Thanks for all your support!
Matt & Steph