We gaze into the past to uncover what brought the first HEIRS OF ISILDUR release into existence!
Now that #TeamINSYM has moved over to SUBSTACK, we've decided that, alongside of our current projects and appearances, we're going to take a look back at memorable events in our history. Why? For those that are our long-time supporters, it'll be a review and a reminder of what may have brought you into our fold. For those that are newer to our fanbase, this might be the first time you're hearing about certain releases and projects... and that's GREAT!
We subscribe to the thought process that says: 'Everything is always new to SOMEONE'. Just because something is deep in our catalog, that doesn't mean that it can’t be fresh and new to those of you just happening upon us and what we do.
TODAY we are going to start with the literal first release of anything that is considered a part #TeamINSYM's catalog:
The HEIRS OF ISILDUR: Shiver (Official Lyric Video) (Click the title to view the video)
'So hold up hold up HOLD UP - you all have METAL MUSIC? I thought you wrote comics?!?' Yes and yes. This is why we’re Insymmetry CREATIONS not Insymmetry COMICS. Wherever our stories and writing can fit in, that's the medium where we'll release it.
So back to this video: SHIVER was my (Matt)'s first foray back into the content creation world after many years toiling in the underground as a metal musician. Multiple albums were released, there was a short tour in Europe, and elbows were rubbed with some pretty cool personalities in that world. While there were some unforgettable moments, I got completely burnt out on the whole scene and stepped away, almost entirely, around 2009.
Even though I needed the break, there was still an itch that kept flaring up that needed to be scratched. After trying to get a new project, HEIRS OF ISILDUR, off the ground multiple times in the following years (alongside my friend and musical partner, the late COREY STEGER), 2016 was when the full plan started to materialize. I wanted music, but I also wanted MORE. There needed to be backstory that the songs could attach to and compliment.
Over the course of the next year the musical plans grew from a four song EP into a full album (The Crossroads Conundrum). The short side story morphed into a potential E-Book that then became an illustrated novel, and is now full-fledged comic / graphic novel series.
The SHIVER video was the very first sneak peek into the universe that would blossom in HEIRS OF ISILDUR lore. The lyric video (produced by Hulyan Minosso @ Studio Pontilhado out of Brazil) is the back story for the first character called through a portal through unintentional means by Professor Mykal Isildur. SHIVER is the true OG of the HEIRS universe, as HIS story was unveiled before anyone elses.
The video itself was released on March 31st, 2017. The DATE was significant because it was a FRIDAY and I had to have it out then. Why? Because I wasn't going to start a new project with a release on April Fool’s Day.
There was a lot of nervous trepidation. Would anyone care about the song's release? Would it be met with a sound of a pin dropping and resounding silence?
Luckily the video and song were well received. It was picked up and put in the rotation by Naomi, Eric, and Big Sloppy at HONEST BRUTALITY the very next day (so good things CAN happen on April 1st). It was also the catalyst for many relationships that are still important in the #TeamINSYM world today (looks directly at one Jay Wendell, among others).
SHIVER’s video was also one of the foundational pieces that played a part in the meeting of Steph Cannon and me. Without it, there might not be an Insymmetry Creations LLC. This is not hyperbole - it’s absolute reality.
If you want to hear more from the album that the SHIVER track resides on ('The Crossroads Conundrum') you can go to our BANDCAMP page here. Physical copies on CD are available in our WEBSTORE HERE.
We hope you like these glimpses back into our history. We have more planned, including a look into the first one-page comic that brought Steph into the content creation world: BOOT HILL, coming soon.
Until next time!
Matt Knowles (on behalf of #TeamINSYM)