CAMPAIGN UPDATE + a Deeper Dive into Nocturnia
With NINE days left we let you know where we stand, a little more on WHY the STORY is important to us, and what you can do to help!
Hey everyone - an update on the status of our TALES FROM NOCTURNIA: THE COMPLETE LEGENDARY SAGA Revisited campaign, that has just NINE days remaining! Currently we’re just $391 from that ever-elusive minimum funding level. We’d love for you to check it out here !
We know we’ve talked about the bells and whistles of this campaign a lot, but we truly want you to understand why this STORY matters to us. Although Benonoch is a medieval executioner, he’s no different than any of us. He sees the life that he currently has been cast into, he has questions about it, and knows what he wants the rest of his life to be is NOT the current path that it’s on. Many of us have been there, right?
BENO steps out in faith that there is something different for him, not because he knows what the next step in his journey WILL BE, but because he’s confident that the only way he can find that path is to close of the one he’s currently on.
This is why our mantra at #teamINSYM is: Creating characters you can relate to, and universes you want to escape into. This doesn’t mean that we think you want to experience the life of a medieval executioner, but because, in a general sense, we think that everyone can relate to his struggle.
But Beno isn’t the only one that’s relatable. The STABLE MAIDENS have their own struggles to find new paths in an uncertain world. The NOCTURNIAN WARRIORS show how someone with blind, unquestioning, unchecked allegiances could cause more harm than good, even if they believe their heart is in the right place.
Even the TRINITY OF EVIL from SINISTERIA have some relatable aspects to their plights. This doesn’t mean that their actions are justified, but it can be understood why they have disdain for the NOCTURNIAN Kingdom. Even so many of the secondary characters have their own journeys.
This is why we love this story so much. Because it’s simple to craft a ‘these are the good guys, these are the bad guys’ type story, but in TALES FROM NOCTURNIA, the grey area that so many exist in is what makes the story like our real lives. Some get redemption after terrible decisions; others slide further into darkness. There are some that the moral compass that the story relies on, and others that challenge that guidance every step of the way.
Obviously, we’d first and foremost love to see YOU as a member of the Kingdom as a backer, but we know for a variety of reasons that might not be possible at this time. Whether you back it or not, SPREADING THE WORD to people you know who might like it is huge. Adding your OWN personal spin on it is massive impact as well.
The current state of social media is designed AGAINST us being able to promote. Messages get downgraded, emails go to spam folders, etc… So, we could speak on what we do until we’re blue in the face, but it’s very possible (and it LITERALLY happens with every project) that just after it ends, someone will say ‘I had no idea that you had something running’. That’s where you come in to help.
We hope this helps you to understand why this project from the STORY-SIDE is important to us, and we’d love to have you along on this journey!
TALES FROM NOCTURNIA: The Complete Legendary Saga Revisited
Medieval Madness at its finest.
FFO: Dungeons & Dragons, Game of Thrones, World of Warcraft, Lord Of The Rings, and epic medieval fantasy in general!
Matt & Steph